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International Area Studies Review

ISSN : 2233-8659 (Print)

ISSN : 2049-1123 (Online)

‘Hybrid Open Access Journal
  • KCI(Korea Citation Index)
  • DOI(CrossRef)
  • DOI(CrossCheck)

International Area Studies Review

ISSN : 2233-8659 (Print)
ISSN : 2049-1123 (Online)

Editorial Policies

Revised 2024.03.04.

Chapter I. Title

The title of this interdisciplinary scholarly journal is “International Area Studies Review,” which has been its name since 1997.

Chapter II. Aims and Attributes

IASR, a scholarly journal in the social sciences, focuses on issues that advance the field of area studies. It welcomes interdisciplinary perspectives and values comparative research involving multiple countries and/or societies. Specifically, the journal encourages the submission of articles that enhance understanding of various global regions through qualitative or quantitative methods.

Chapter III. Publication

Article 1:

The journal is scheduled for publication quarterly, with issues released on the last day of March, June, September, and December each year.

Article 2:

Each issue may feature a special issue focusing on a predetermined topic with assigned guest editors.

Chapter IV. Editorial Board

Article 1.

The criteria for appointment to editor-in-chief may change depending on the circumstances of the journal.

Article 2.

Editors shall be comprised of international editors and domestic editors.

Article 3.

As the duties of the editor-in-chief and editorial members are academic service activities, no honoraria shall be paid for such activities.

Chapter V. Activities of the Editorial Board

Article 1.

Once each year, an editorial board meeting shall be convened, during which various points related to the operation of the editorial board shall be discussed.

Article 2.

Editors may recommend experts for the review of submitted articles.

Article 3.

Editors may form the planned topics for the publication of special issues.

Article 4.

Editors may perform emergency article reviews.

Article 5.

The editor-in-chief shall periodically conduct internal meetings, and alongside editorial assistants, overlook, manage, and direct the article review process.

Chapter VI. Finances and Administration

Article 1.

Budgetary matters shall be supervised by the editor-in-chief and executed by administrative assistants, and depending on the form of financial resources, they may be worked on in cooperation with the administrative offices of the Center for International Area Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.

Article 2.

Review payments shall be $ 100 credit per case because domestic scholarly journals in Korea generally allocate review fees for reviewers.

Chapter VII. Manuscript Review

Article 1.

Reviewers for submitted articles shall be recruited within four weeks of submission. In extenuating circumstances, this process of recruitment may become delayed.

Article 2:

Typically, each submitted article will be evaluated by two reviewers. In cases where the reviews cannot solely determine the decision to publish an article, the editor-in-chief will make the final decision after consulting with the editorial board in a meeting.

Article 3.

The article review process shall proceed as follows.

review process

Article 4.

In reconsideration cases, two of the original reviewers shall conduct the review process, and one new reviewer shall be recruited.

Chapter VIII. Research Ethics

Article 1.

Our ethical guidelines align with the standards established by COPE, as detailed at [https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Guidelines].

Article 2.

Authors shall comply with the following standards.

  1. 1. Only articles containing research conducted under ethical and accountable methods shall be submitted, and such research shall comply with the conventional research ethics applied in social science research.
  2. 2. Research outcomes shall be presented honestly and without manipulation.
  3. 3. Authors shall try to present their methodology without ambiguity and all works referenced in the article shall be clearly marked with citations.
  4. 4. Authors must comply with the requirement that articles submitted must be original work and not have been published elsewhere nor plagiarized from another source.
  5. 5. Authors must have played a crucial role in conducting said research.
  6. 6. Sections containing errors shall be withdrawn or edited.
  7. 7. Authors shall participate in the peer review process.
  8. 8. Authors must disclose their affiliation and positions precisely when publishing an article.

Article 3.

The editorial board shall comply with the following standards.

  1. 1. The board shall hold the authority and responsibility to approve/deny submitted works.
  2. 2. When deciding on articles for publication, the board shall make their decisions fairly and without bias by making decisions regardless of profit from articles and deciding only when they are absolutely certain.
  3. 3. The board shall do that which is expected of them by peer reviewers and authors.
  4. 4. The board must protect the anonymity of reviewers and ensure a fair and adequate peer review process.
  5. 5. The board shall monitor for misconduct by the reviewers and the editorial board.

Article 4.

Reviewers shall comply with the following standards.

  1. 1. Reviewers shall make fair and unbiased judgments.
  2. 2. There must be no conflict of interest between the reviewer and a particular research work, author, or sponsor.
  3. 3. Reviewers shall point out relevant existing research that has not been cited in the submitted article.
  4. 4. Reviewers shall protect the confidentiality of the articles they review.