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[ Article ] | |
International Area Studies Review - Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 448-463 | |
Abbreviation: IASR | |
ISSN: 2233-8659 (Print) | |
Print publication date 31 Dec 2024 | |
DOI: | |
Navigating the Complexities: Identity, Peace, and Unification on the Korean Peninsula | |
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Republic of Korea | |
Correspondence to : *Email: | |
Funding Information ▼ |
The geopolitical history of the Korean Peninsula has been shaped by the interplay between regional and global powers, resulting in lasting division and conflict. This article explores how the Republic of Korea has grappled with its identity in inter-Korean relations, emphasizing both the aspirations for peace and unification and the tensions of the conflictual relationship. The narrative examines the evolution of peace and unification discourses from the Cold War era to the present, highlighting how geopolitical and domestic dynamics have influenced educational frameworks and public perceptions of unification. Notably, the shifting consciousness surrounding Korean identity, marked by a transition from strong unification sentiment to waning enthusiasm among younger generations, raises critical questions about the future of unification policy. The declaration of “two hostile states” by North Korea further complicates these discussions, prompting a reassessment of strategies toward peaceful coexistence. To conclude, the article argues for a comprehensive peace and unification education—integrating cultural sensitivity, conflict resolution, and a commitment to universal values—to foster a viable framework for peace and unification on the Korean Peninsula amidst ongoing geopolitical challenges.
Keywords: Unification, Geopolitics, Global power distribution, Unification discourse, Unification education peace discourse |
Generative AI or AI-assisted technologies were not used in any way to prepare, write, or complete essential authoring tasks in this manuscript.
The author(s) declare that there is no conflict of interest.
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2020S1A6A3A04064633) and supported by the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Research Fund of 2024.
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