International Area Studies Review
[ Article ]
International Area Studies Review - Vol. 27, No. 3, pp.320-339
ISSN: 2233-8659 (Print)
Print publication date 01 Sep 2024

Exploring the Determinants of Public Support and Euroscepticism in the European Union: A Macro and Micro-Level Analysis of Democratic Perceptions

Chang Rhyong Oh ; Yoo-Duk Kang*
Department of Political Science and International Relations, Pukyong National University, Republic of Korea
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Republic of Korea

Correspondence to: *Email:


This article explores how perceptions of democracy, both at the domestic and European levels, influence public attitudes towards the EU through empirical tests conducted at both macro and micro levels. Satisfaction with the way democracy operates in the EU emerges as the most significant factor in determining public support for the EU, while economic variables clearly explain the recent rise of Euroscepticism. Our findings suggest that securing public support for the EU will require addressing political and economic issues, particularly by involving more citizens in the decision-making process. Additionally, the relationship between satisfaction with domestic democracy and EU democracy shows a compensational dynamic at the macro level, contrasted with an opposite relationship at the micro level. This analysis highlights that, while complexities such as the macro-micro puzzle exist, the perception of EU democracy remains a key factor in the rise of Euroscepticism.


Euroscepticism, Perception, Democratic deficit, European integration, Determinant

AI Acknowledgment

Generative AI or AI-assisted technologies were not used in any way to prepare, write, or complete essential authoring tasks in this manuscript.

Conflict of Interests

The author(s) declare that there is no conflict of interest. (If there are conflicts of interest, list them in detail, specifying the nature of the conflict and the involved parties.)


This work was supported by the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Research Fund.


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